About Us

4th London Boys' Brigade & Girls' Association

We are one of the many Boys' Brigade groups across the country which make up one of the biggest faith based youth organisations in the UK & Republic of Ireland. The Boys' Brigade is also part of the uniformed youth sector, whcich enable us to take advantage of opportunities outside our own organisation

We have faith in young people and provide opportunities for children and young people to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith.

There’s something for every young person whether it’s camping or kayaking, first aid or five a side, music or crafts. Members develop skills, build confidence, make friends, take responsibility and are encouraged to make a real difference in their communities – sharing the values that make us who we are.

Our History

 The Boys' Brigade was formed in Glasgow in October 1883, being one of the first voluntary uniformed youth organisation in the world. Nine years later in September 1892, the 4th London Boys' Brigade Company (group) was formed by the Moffat Institute in Esher Street, Kennington. Initially, the Company only worked with young people aged 11 and over, however as time went on, the ages at which children could join The Boys' Brigade changed until memebrs were accepted from the age of four years old, until they were eighteen.

The 4th London has moved around a number of locations, starting in the Moffat Institute and having several places  around Lambeth to call home, at various points in it's history. The company temporarily moved into Centenary Hall in Cottington Street, Kennington during the second world war and remained based there until we moved into our current location, St Anselms Church, Kennington on 10th August 2019. 

In 1971, members of the 4th London starred in a full length, feature film called Melody. The film, which is about two children who want to get married, features the 4th London's Band and the children playing the instruments were members of the company.

The 4th London has always been an inclusive company and when Boys' Brigade regulations changed to allow the inclusion of girls in 2008, the 4th London completed the necessary paperwork to become a Boys' Brigade & Girls' Association and officially accepted girls in the company from April 2009.

We currently accept children & young people from the age of four, right up until the age of 18 and we are pleased to have a mix of both boys & girls as members. You can find out more about our age groups by clicking below.

Our Object, Vision, Misson & Values

Our Object & Motto

The Object of The Boys’ Brigade is:

'The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Young People and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian Character.'

The Boys’ Brigade Motto is:

‘Sure & Steadfast’

The motto is taken from the bible, the book of Hebrews, Chapter 6, Verse 19

Our Vision

Our Vision explains why we do what we do.

The Boys' Brigade Vision is:

'that children and young people experience "life to the full." (John 10:10).'

Our prayer and hope that children and young people experience life to the full through coming to know Jesus for themselves.

Our Mission

Our Mission explains what we do.

The Boys' Brigade Mission is that:

'The Boys' Brigade has faith in young people and provides them with opportunities to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith.'

Our Values

Our Values describe who we are and what we believe


We are a Christian youth organisation, and our work is rooted in the Christian Faith. We have a hope in Christ as our anchor that sustains us throughout life (Hebrews 6:19).


We seek to inspire children and young people, challenging them to live their lives in the fullest sense. We also believe in peoples’ abilities to inspire and act as positive role models to others.


The Boys’ Brigade is a family. We believe in building loving, caring and inclusive relationships, as well as creating a safe and fund environment that is supportive and nurturing. We are responsive to the needs and aspirations of others regardless of ability, identity or background.


We are honest and trustworthy. We seek to empower children and young people to participate and to lead, believing in their skills, abilities and ideas.