Support Our Work

The 4th London Boys' Brigade & Girls' Association is a non-profit, uniformed youth organisation run by volunteers and dedicated to supporting Kennington's children and young people. Our primary objective is to provide a safe and fun environment for them to learn, grow, and discover. Every child deserves the opportunity to participate in activities and events to help them develop essential life skills, build self-esteem, and foster positive relationships.

To achieve our mission, we try to keep our fees as low as possible and subsidise activities and events wherever possible. However, we rely on income from fundraising events, grants, and donations to maintain the quality of our programme and activities. Your support is crucial in allowing us to continue providing excellent programmes and activities to our members.

We are committed to transparency and accountability, ensuring that every penny we receive is used effectively and efficiently. If you choose to donate either your time or financially, you can rest assured that your contribution will make a real difference in the lives of many.

We would therefore ask to to consider supporting our group and help us positively impact the lives of children and young people in Kennington.

What are we currently using donations for?

From September 2024, St Anselms Church will undergo a redevelopment to improve facilities and enable us to offer a better programme for our members. We will meet at a temporary venue while the redevelopment occurs, increasing our expenses.

To support our members during the redevelopment period, we will use any donations made to us to cover these costs. Your donation will help us continue to provide quality support to our members.

What have we previously used donations for?


Engagement plays a crucial role in our strategy to acquire new members and demonstrate that we are a high-quality organisation. In 2023, we used your donations to create and purchase a new tablecloth, as the previous one looked tired and worn out. We also invested in a new A-frame and posters to promote our group outside the church every week.