Volunteer With Us

All our volunteer leaders have to carry out regular enhanced DBS checks along with regular training and seek to be inspiring, caring & trusting to our members, whilst supporting them to achieve their full potential. If you would like to support the group by giving up a bit of your time to help, please get in touch with us by emailing 4thlondon.bb@gmail.com

Support Our Members

Helping on a Tuesday night can be extremely rewarding as you get to know the group.

Sharing Skills

Do you have a paricular skill that you could share with us?
If so, please get in touch.

Trips & Residentials

Trips & residentials require additional adults to help, but can be a lot of fun!

The existing group of volunteer leaders are very sociable and we try to organise social events, to help us get to know each other.

Training & mentoring is provided to all volunteers, so that you are supported thorughout your journey with us.

Volunteering with children & young people is extremely rewarding, but if you feel that you don't have the skills to work with them, perhaps you could assist with our social media channels, or with some of our administration.

There are lots of roles that have to be done, including many that are behind the scenes. Please email 4thlondon.bb@gmail.com if you are interested in helping support our group.